Saturday, December 30, 2006
Gold Vintage Purse

Friday, December 22, 2006
Vintage Gloves

Hope everyone has a great Christmas!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Ebay Dress of the Day

Why is it so hard to find a red one that fits me?
Life is unfair.
And I wanted one for the holidays. I've been looking for months too!
Ok, enough.
I did pick up a bunch of 70's shirts this weekend, if thats any consolation. Really funky, with big collars and crazy patterns. So fun.
Oooh, and I found a bunch of old school baby barrettes, all brand new in packages, so I grabbed those as well.
Last but not least, I found some very lovely gloves.
White, in good condition, with a little flower pattern on them.
Very ladylike.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Vintage Starlet of the Day
Vintage Christmas Angel
Vintage Dress Finds

Ok, so I've found a ton of new things in the past week.
First the white little mini dress in the photo.
It looks really 60's, Im wondering if it was maybe some kind of unifom?
A little short for a nurses uniform, but the label says "White Cross" so you never know.
Just dont bend over.
Found a tye dyed 60s mini dress.
Super cute.
Also a long, green flower print Hawaiian dress. It's never too early to get ready for summer.
Not to mention a bunch of brand new, vintage white nylons to go with my new dresses.
And just my size.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Dating Vintage Clothing

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Ebay Dress of the Day
Green Vintage Style

Sunday, November 19, 2006
Hot Pink Vintage Dress

More info on my Hot Pink Vintage Dress
Friday, November 17, 2006
Ebay Dress of the Day
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Vintage Dresses Up for Sale

Nothing much, but I need to get rid of my ever growing collection. I can barely find my way through my room anymore!
There's a cute leopard print coat as well, which I wanted to keep, but it's too big for me.
I posted a photo of the blue housewife style dress, or maybe its more of a cocktail dress.
Who knows.
Anyhow, I have tons more to put up.
Oh, and for some exciting news, I found 2 pairs of beautiful vintage heels today. One is open toed and the other is closed. They're both gold and they're both gorgeous.
My Ebay dresses
Vintage Platform Shoes

The first thing I thought when I saw these was disco! But I may be way off.
Carol of Dandelion Vintage says they may be from the 1940's. Which would make me even more proud. The older the better.
They're quite beautiful, the detailed little beads are so gorgeous.
These platforms must have got some good use back in the day, but are still in great condition.
So Im thinking of selling them. Unfortunately I have no clue what size they are. I'm thinking they're about a size 6?
Does anyone know how to figure out shoe size? I have no clue. The label probably got worn off decades ago.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Vintage Starlet of the Day

EBay Dress of the Day

Monday, October 30, 2006
I Want A Red Dress

I've been looking all over, and I can never find a nice vintage red dress that I like.
I'm hoping to find one before the holiday season, but it seems to be a bit of a challenge.
I can find every other color, I have tons of pink, lots of burgundy, but no red!
So this weekend I found an absolutely adorable crushed velvet, deep red vintage dress.
So gorgeous.
I didnt even bother trying it on, because it looked like it might fit me. At $4, I'll take my chances.
When I got home I put it on right away, except there was one problem, it wouldnt fit over my hips! Which I thought was weird, because I don't have big hips.
So I was disappointed, but whatever, I'll just add it to my collection of things to sell. I went to go throw the reciept in the garbage, but just happened to look at it first....and what does it say? "Kids Dress - $4.00".
Um, yah, I'm smart like that.
In other news, this is a pic of my favorite Ebay Dress of the day. Why, because its red! Though I do think the sunglasses are 100% wrong with the dress. Contrary to popular belief, "boho" sunglasses do not go with everything. Don't even get me started.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Vintage Little Black Mistake
So I met this woman this weekend, a little strange but whatever, she claimed to have a huge collection of vintage dresses she wanted to sell. I went over to her house, and after she blabbed her life story to me I finally got a look at some of the clothing. She did have a ton of stuff, but only a few quality items. She showed me this gorgeous little black dress she had purchased in 1960, and it was adorable. I looked it over quickly and it seemed to be in pretty good shape. The zipper worked fine, there were no holes that I noticed, and it was so cute! She sold it to me for $15, which I thought was pretty good. Anyways, last night I was hanging it up in my bedroom when I noticed a huge stain! How could I not have noticed it before?! It was on the back of the dress, near the bottom, so I guess I just didn't look down that far. It's a really weird stain too, it looks almost faded...it's a strange reddish, almost burgundy color against the black. It's not obvious from far away, but up close it looks awful! I tried washing it, but it did nothing. What is this stain?! I've never seen anything like it before! Does anyone have any idea?
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Stunning Gold Vintage Shoes

Anyhow, I found some amazing heels. I looked online, and surprisingly I found a picture of almost identical shoes!
The only difference is mine have a lower & wider heel, and they're even prettier.
The other day I walked into this old thrift shop that I had never been to before, and there they were!
I have been looking for a glamourous pair of vintage shoes like this forever!
I'm not sure what year they are, maybe 50s? They're a stunning gold color. So of course I grabbed them and ran up to the till asap.
I didn't even bother trying them on because I would have bought them anyway, this is like art for me!
When I got home I thought, wouldn't that be funny if they actually fit? So I tried them on, and just like Cinderella, they were made for me.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Ebay Dress of the Day

Friday, October 13, 2006
Vintage Volume

I've got all these these vintage 50s day dresses that need a little oomph.
Of course they look nice the way they are....but they could go from absolutely adorable to absolutely STUNNING with a crinoline.
I forgot what a difference it could make.
I remember wearing crinolines when I was a little girl, with shiny maryjanes and a white faux fur coat.
Gotta find some pictures of that!
Anyhow, I will scope out the thrift shops this weekend, and hopefully I can find one!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Vintage Starlet of the Day: Mamie Van Doren

Thursday, October 05, 2006
I Don't Discriminate Against Any Decade of Vintage
To All the Vintage Clothing Sellers

My vintage clothing collection is getting ridiculously big, and I have vowed to start selling some of it.
Especially the pieces that aren't my size and I would never wear.
I can't help though, I still want to keep them!
It's like owning a beautiful piece of history, or art...
So my challenge is to keep half, and sell half.
I'm really gonna try...
*sigh* what a dilemma...
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Ebay Dress of the Day
Garage Sale Goodies
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Garage Sale Dress #1

The gorgeous yellow 50s cocktail gown I found on the weekend!
I think its my favorite...its in perfect condition too. Surprising, I know. I'm always like, "ok, wheres the rips, wheres the stains"...
I always wish I knew who the dress originally belonged to, and what the lady was like, where she bought it, where she wore it.....each vintage piece should come with a book, stating its previous owners and their stories.
It should be a rule.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Garage Sale Extravaganza

All I have to say is garage sales are so random!!
The 2 that I thought would be really good were full of garbage dumpster leftovers, and the ones that I almost didn't go to were incredible!
Found a beautiful vintage long wool winter coat, with fur trim. The woman I bought it from collected 1950s clothing, and had bought it in England. Luckily for me she was moving to Costa Rica, and getting rid of all her warm clothes.
I also got 3 gorgeous (of course) 50s dresses.
One pink long lacey floor length gown, one yellow knee length cocktail dress, and one cute day dress almost exactly like the photo shown.
I can't wait to wear them.
My best friends wedding is coming up....I think I may wear one of the cocktail dresses, and then go all the way and get my hair done in 50s fashion as well! Somebody s gotta keep syle alive!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Random Vintage-ness

Anyhow, I have picked up quite a but of randomness from my recent thrifting adventures.
First I found 2 cute, and decent condition Tiki Mugs. How could I say no at 75 cents each?
Next I found a super stylish pair of red cats eye sunglasses, which I have been wanting forever! Finally!
I've had many pairs over the years, but if you're anything like me, well, you either leave them in restaurants or they somehow end up breaking within a month or two.
Now for the clothing.
Found a 60s era long halter neck evening gown, bright pink, with silver sequins that fit me perfect. Fabulously tacky.
Found a white (no stains!) 70s peasant style long gown - gorgeous.
Also found a paisley pattern 60s/70s secretary style dress with a matching belt.
Its becoming so hard to find quality vintage! So I am so proud of my finds!!
I swear, 99% of the clothes I look at are either ripped or stained! Such a waste! Take care of your clothes people!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Vintage Clothing Imposters

I hate it when new clothes try to look "vintage", because it defeats the whole point!
I want the real thing!
Anyhow, when I saw this new little dress from H&M, I had to give in.
I love it.
No, its not real vintage, but it is unique...and adorable...and it doesn't shout out, "Im trying so hard to look vintage, when deep down Im just trendy crap!"
No, it's more like, "I'm very cute and well made, and just happen to look a little like vintage."
So I approve, and yes, the dress did speak to me.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Have a Cocktail, 50s Style
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
If You Want Something Now, You've Gotta do it Yourself

How could this happen again?
Life can be cruel.
Anyhow, I did pick up some vintage sewing patterns, and they are gorgeous.
Lets just hope I can say the same for the clothes after I make them.
It's been awhile since I've made anything, but the patterns look pretty straight forward.
I bought 3, two of them are for 60s mini dresses, and one is a 50s cocktail dress.
Ooooh yah, I'm excited.
I'll post pics if they turn out!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Back to Online Shopping

I guess I used up all my good luck in the last 2 months.
Hmm, should I try garage sales next week?
I've just never hit up any quality garage sales before, so I'm kind of skeptical. For clothes anyhow.
I could go back to my usual vintage clothing specialty stores, but they're beyond highway robbery....I swore I would stick to thrift shops after paying such ridiculous prices for years in vintage shops.
Maybe I'll just sit in front of my computer....
I did find this beautiful wrap dress online, so tempting!
I might just have to.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Hippy Dresses

It's starting to make me sick.
It was understandable a couple years ago, when the bohemian look made comeback and got trendy.
But now?!
Everything is labeled "Boho" because they think it will sell better! I kid you not, today I walked past this totally conservative(and quite boring looking) store, and on the window a big sign read "Boho Fashion".
I started laughing at the idea that these conservative shop owners assumed that by saying the "B" word, it would get trendy people in their store to buy their drabby clothing.
Needless to say the store was empty.
Anyhow, I LOVE hippy dresses, and I saw this one today on Ebay. Only $20!
Well, so far.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Have to Have It
All Things Retro

Got the cutest pink mini dress(yes, another one) this weekend. I can't believe my luck lately.
Also found this green Hawaiian style 60s little dress with shorts underneath, but it fit really weird.
So I had to leave it hanging on the rack, which was not easy to do.
I know this isn't about clothes, but it fits into the vintage category so whatever.
I've been trying to find a funky starburst clock forever, and I finally found one! Of course its not an actual Howard Miller, but close enough. I'm on a mission to turn my boring contemporary apartment into somewhat of a swanky 50s pad, so I will post my findings as they come!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
EBay Still A Goldmine

Then I'm looking online and reading all this crap on how prices on vintage clothes on Ebay have sky-rocketed!
Seriously, are these people on crack or just plain lazy?
I'm constantly finding unbelievable bargains on cute vintage stuff, so often that I won't even look some days because I need money to eat!
Anyways, I guess I should be glad these people think this way, so then there will be more sweet deals for me.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Hit or Miss at the VV Boutique

I swear for months I completely avoided it because it was honestly all junk everytime I went in.
Such a waste of my time.
Then for some reason I decided to give it another chance.
So I went in this past weekend and found not one, but 2 gorgeous sixties mini dresses - in decent condition!
So rare!
So yah, VV is my friend again.
Oh, and I will post the dresses soon...but for now I will leave you with this beauty.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Hittin Up the Shops this Weekend
Friday, August 04, 2006
Ebay Dresses of the Day
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