I found the nicest 1950's bra the other day, it was still in its original package with a cute little brochure. Typically, I went to find it again and it had sold!
I need to start being more of an impulse buyer, all this sitting around and thinking it over is not helping my vintage collection grow!
Love it! I love everthing you show us! YOu've got great taste : )
I love it too! I've been after a vintage corset for ages, they go for so much though *sigh*
I absolutely love it!Its nostalgic
There are women in India who still wear those tailored bras that come to a razor edge point!
When I go home to visit I will have to get you one!!There used to be door to door salesmen selling those!
Also my mother-in-law gave me some old lingerie that she never wore.It still had ancient tags on them.I need to post those
"When I go home to visit I will have to get you one!!There used to be door to door salesmen selling those!"
Wow! That's so amazing! Door to door salesmen? They need to come to my door!
You've gotta post pics of the lingerie your mother-in-law gave you!
I used to be so embarassed when those salespeople came selling them...they also sold panties!I think it was because some women are modest and hated going to the store
Will post the stuff
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