I went to see a matinee of Rear Window today at the theater downtown. I'm so thankful that there's a theater close by that plays old movies, otherwise I'd never get to see my favorite films on the big screen! Anyhow, it's been a few years since I had seen it, and this time I really noticed what elegance Grace brings to the film. She also displays a gorgeous collection of early 50's fashion. It's funny, at the beginning of the movie her character kind of annoys me, but by the end I love her.
I love the scene where she comes in from work, opens her bag, and there is a sexy pouf of lingerie spilling out. I guess she is spending the night!
I just watched this the other night. She is a goddess in this movie, really great clothing.
fantastic outfits!
a kiss!!!
She really did look amazing. I felt the same way about her character when I first saw Rear Window: annoyance developing into love.
I think that is my favorite Grace Kelly -movie.
juliet xxx
Isn't she just lovely! Love the second dress. What a fun way to spend an afternoon.
That sounds amazing to see Rear Window on big screen! One of my favourite films of all times.
Gorgeous dresses....one of my favorite reasons for watching old movies!!
She was soooo gorgeous and elegant. I love to watch old movies and look at the backgrounds and the clothing! : D
i agree ang, with your comment, she grew on me also by the end of the film. she sure is pretty, almost like a doll
I don't know if you have cable or not, but if you do there is a channel that is nothing but old movies - OLD movies - they play a lot of Grace Kelly movies.
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