Lauren Bacall. Did you know Lauren was only 19 when she was given her famous role in "To Have and to Have Not"? (Shown in the 2
nd photo) I never would have guessed she was that young in the movie. Maybe it's the way women used to dress, but to me she just looked so much older. Lauren also married
Humphrey Bogart the following year. She was 20, he was 45.
"Find me a man who's interesting enough to have dinner with and I'll be happy." - Lauren Bacall
I LOVE her--she's so sophisticated and her scratchy, deep voice is seriously sexy.
Also love her. She's gorgeous! And she looked amazing in the clothing of the time.
wow..she is fantastic..love her face..so iconic
shes so gorgeous.
Wow she was young, you're right I wouldn't have guessed that young, but lovely as always!
she is sexy and smart, i guess :)
a kiss!
She is truly classic beauty - sophicated, elegant yet playful! Gorgeous!
Lauren Bacall is beautiful.
And Bogie isn't so bad, either. =D
I love her. I just finished her biography "by myself" - what a life she has lead.
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