Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Vintage luggage set

I've been so behind in my vintage blogging lately, forgive me! Anyhow, I need this! I'm in desperate need of some cute vintage luggage, and this would suit me perfectly! I love the blue. The set is from the 1950's, and it's satin lined inside. Gorgeous.


Amy said...

Very nice! I've seen those used to decorate a room.

saray said...

WOW i love them.

Anonymous said...

What a lucky find! Now you ALWAYS have an excuse to travel!

Anonymous said...

If you have not bought them yet then you absolutely must~~don't wait!


Gina said...

Those are so pretty!

Debra said...

I have about 10 train cases, seriously. I do not have a matching set of vintage however, but now I want one!

aizat.cinta.goddess said...

love it..i shuld find it too..

s.i. michaels said...

I always check the vintage luggage I find at thrift stores & flea markets but they almost always have mildew inside. Too sad as I'd love a set.