Sunday, December 16, 2007

Beautiful Vintage Coats

Well it is the season for coats, so I thought I'd post a few pics of some lovely ones I found on Ebay this morning. Apparently all these vintage coats are from the 1940's. Which one is your favorite? I can hardly decide because they're all such different styles! It's almost like morning, afternoon and evening. Three coats per day would definitely work for me!


  1. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I'm with you! I have so many coats I need my own closet for them!
    I like that green one~~great color!


  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I've been looking for a good vintage coat for forever! I love the one with the full skirt, but the fur one is so Margot Tenenbaum...

  3. I am SO drooling over those coats!

  4. Those are one eBay *excited*. I like the green one because of the color, but the second is a close second because the shape is really wonderful.

  5. Beautiful green coat!
