Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Vintage Kitchen Colors

I love how these 1950's kitchen designs all have color themes! It's not just the cupboards, but the appliances too! I don't think I ever see colourful kitchens nowadays. It's either white or stainless steel, which is too boring for me. I'm a yellow kitchen kind of girl, it's such a happy color. Which one would you choose?


  1. Hello! I really love the black and blue one! My dream is to move house where an old person lived who never renovated and to find something just like this!

  2. I would chose the pink kitchen i the bottom pic! Who wouldn't wanna enter a pastely kitchen like that on a rainy Monday morning?! There's a company that makes retro kitchen stuff in different colors, called "Smeg". I did a post on them a while ago:

